Save The Rave: FUNRAISER
1060 Garnet Ave, San Diego, CA 92109, USA
we want to do something special for the rave community so this rave is dedicated to you! Everyone that makes up the community, the music, the culture, the vibes and every part of what it means to be PLUR! The Theme is Extra Ultra Rave, so find your favorite rave fit and put on extra Neon, glowsticks and glitter cause this night is dedicated to the rave community! let’s Save The Rave!
21+ only

Early Bird
Early bird
GA tier 1
GA tier 1
GA tier 2
GA tier 2
Promote Save The Rave: FUNRAISER
Become a promoter and get paid per ticket you sell.
we want to do something special for the rave community so this rave is dedicated to you! Everyone that makes up the community, the music, the culture, the vibes and every part of what it means to be PLUR! The Theme is Extra Ultra Rave, so find your favorite rave fit and put on extra Neon, glowsticks and glitter cause this night is dedicated to the rave community! let’s Save The Rave!
21+ only
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Anna - 1h
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I'm using every single week this my favorite event app.